Grace Tyler


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About Me
I am a romance writer. That's not easy to say. Most people have preconceived notions about romances, and the people who write them. Let me tell you! Writing isn't for sissies. I got my first rejection in April 2004. That makes me a professional. In what other field are you considered a "professional" when you don't get called back for a second interview?

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Upcoming Releases

His and Hers Dalmatians
Moonlit Romance April 2008

My Favorite Blogs and Websites

Bronwyn Parry, Author & Golden Heart Winner!
Crystal Jordan, Author
Kate Rothwell, Author
Laura Hamby, Author
Tori Scott, Author
Nell Dixon, Author
Denise Patrick, Author
Valerie Parv, Australia's Queen of Romance
Joanna Sandsmark, Dog and Kitty Author!!!
Elisa Adams, Author
Sharon Cullen, Author
Meg Allison, Author
Michelle Styles, Author
Julie Cohen, Author
Becca, Writer and People Watcher
Sally Lawton, Playwright & Author
Ainsley MacQueen, Author
Jennie Adams, Author
Cindy K Green, Author
Bronwyn Storm, Doggy Author!!!

Works in Progress

Winter Miracles

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
4,063 / 10,000

The Husband Checklist

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
3,442 / 60,000


Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
6,209 / 60,000

Professor Kennedy's Ghost

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Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
362 / 25,000

Everyday Hero

The Baby Contract

Almost On My Own

The Stone City

Daddy's Little Girls

Skin Deep

The Dog Next Door

Previous Posts

New job, new attitude, new WIP
Finished at last!
Out of print, but not out of circulation!
Grace Tyler: Why I love animals
What I've Learned
Precious little angel
Kissed any frogs lately?
A great read!
Big news! My paperback is now available directly ...
What a flattering review!


April 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
March 2007
April 2007
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June 2007
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December 2007
January 2008
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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

It's Monday again

OK. It's really Tuesday. I got off track.

Down one pound this week! It was that time of the month, so I'm not too discouraged that it's only one pound. My pants are getting baggy and my shirts fit--no stomach sticking out in front like a pregnant bump.

No writing. I'm working my tail off on my medical transcription course. It's intensive, and I've got to get a job and help dig us out from under. Know what that's like? Trying to do the schoolwork full time is pretty crazy.

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Posted at 6:25 AM by Grace Tyler :: 2 comments

Monday, January 22, 2007

Monday Morning Weigh In

I don't want to fill up my blog with weight loss issues. However, I think a Monday morning weigh in is appropriate and will keep me motivated.

I melted away six pounds so far! And I'm not a good dieter, and I'm still nursing, so it's not about portion control. It's eating better. That's all.

Now, let's see if I can keep the blues at bay and get some writing done!


Posted at 9:03 AM by Grace Tyler :: 0 comments

Sunday, January 21, 2007

I'm Melting!!!!

Last Sunday, my daughter shamed me into going back onto my eating program. She said she was worried about her weight and wanted to go on a diet.

She's a gorgeous, slim eleven-year-old. Naturally I was upset and asked her why she was worried. She told me she was concerned she would end up "obese like you."

Nothing like that to push a mom into doing what she should do for herself!

I've begun to melt. In spite of my depression and my husband hurting his back this week.

Not a lick of writing, but I'm melting!

Posted at 5:36 PM by Grace Tyler :: 2 comments

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

You Complete Me

Are these the most romantic words ever spoken? Not necessarily.

I've been married for almost 14 years. Our anniversary is next month. As you pass milestones like holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries, it prompts reflection. I consider what my life would be life if it had taken a different direction 14 years ago, or if I had let the cold feet win and not married my hubby. I get emotional and connected. I even think about sleeping with him. Usually I sleep with our 14 month old. Not a great move for the marriage, but this too shall pass.

Last night my wonderful husband asked me if I would type something for him. I knew what it was. He has a rank advancement test coming up on Saturday for his martial arts class. Each time they test, they have a paper they have to write. Well, DH got very emotional in his paper, and started talking about God, country and family. I was so impressed at how he had exposed himself like that. Not something a guy usually does.

Then I read something that brought me up short. "Omega (his martial arts studio) completes me." What the---???? It completes him?

The romantic scales fell away from my eyes. I laughed really hard, but it made me feel a bit inadequate.

So the next question is, should I never sleep with him again (let Omega fulfill him), or should I sleep with him more?

Posted at 2:51 PM by Grace Tyler :: 6 comments

Monday, January 08, 2007

To Blog or not to Blog...

I am in the best mood. This doesn't happen often, so I have to share when it does. Kind of makes up for my habitual bitchery. At least, I hope it does.

I'm rewriting a story from scratch. It's over there ->>> on the sidebar with the word counter. It's been slow going, and not just because my time's limited. Also because the words just weren't coming. I was making progress, but I was going through the motions. Something just wasn't right about the beginning, but I couldn't see it and didn't know how to fix it. So I simply blundered forward. Better than doing nothing.

It took a week of pondering, but I figured out what was wrong, and last night the fix began to gel.

I've spend the past two hours reworking my rewrite, and it feels so good when those words flow and you can nip and sew and revise and make good. Nothing like it. No other high comes close. Or so I hear...

Posted at 2:20 PM by Grace Tyler :: 2 comments

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Don't you hate when...

People with kids tell goofy stories about them and think they are the cutest kids on the planet?

Well my kids really ARE the best. And the smartest.

My fourteen month old has been watching sign language videos since she was about nine months old. At first she didn't seem to care about them, but by the time she was a year, she asked for them with a special sign every time she was tired or bored.

She's had about 20 regular signs for the past couple of months. Then she quit signing at all and started screaming and pointing like a normal toddler. All of a sudden yesterday, she started using signs on the videos that she's never used before. Like candy and apple. And doing the Dad and Mom sign closer to correctly. She told her Dad "come here" yesterday because she wanted to show him something.

I'm amazed and thrilled. It's so fun to have two way communication with a child this small. They really do know what's going on, just like we knew they did with the first two.

One extreme to the other. No signs and total tantrums to adding new words and trying to "talk" to me all the time. Actually it's kind of exhausting.

Posted at 11:59 AM by Grace Tyler :: 1 comments