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I am a romance writer. That's not easy to say. Most people have preconceived notions about romances, and the people who write them. Let me tell you! Writing isn't for sissies. I got my first rejection in April 2004. That makes me a professional. In what other field are you considered a "professional" when you don't get called back for a second interview?
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His and Hers Dalmatians
Moonlit Romance April 2008
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Kate Rothwell, Author
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Tori Scott, Author
Nell Dixon, Author
Denise Patrick, Author
Valerie Parv, Australia's Queen of Romance
Joanna Sandsmark, Dog and Kitty Author!!!
Elisa Adams, Author
Sharon Cullen, Author
Meg Allison, Author
Michelle Styles, Author
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Becca, Writer and People Watcher
Sally Lawton, Playwright & Author
Ainsley MacQueen, Author
Jennie Adams, Author
Cindy K Green, Author
Bronwyn Storm, Doggy Author!!!
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Winter Miracles
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Professor Kennedy's Ghost
Everyday Hero
The Baby Contract
Almost On My Own
The Stone City
Daddy's Little Girls
Skin Deep
The Dog Next Door
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What Kind of Writer Should You Be?
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I Got an A+ on my Vocabulary Quiz
Which of the X-Men are you?
Five Things Even Fewer People Know About Me
What part of Thanksgiving are you?
Five Things Few People Know About Me
Free Read--Part Two--Bittersweet Reunion
Free Read--Kissing Hugh Jackman
She scratches her head....
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Starting over
I'm allowing myself exactly ten minutes to create this post before I turn off the internet. Really. The baby's sleeping and I don't have to be at school to volunteer at my son's class for an hour. Perfect writing time. Or dishes, whichever I make myself do.
So--Starting Over.
Breaking up is hard to do. Whether it's a story or a love affair gone wrong, it's a tough decision to make.
I intended to finish the last 10,000 words of a novel which has already been rejected. Purpose? To get my PRO status with RWA. Must have proof of submission (copy of the Rejection) to an RWA-recognized publisher and a complete, full length manuscript. So I was going to blunder through those last 10,000 words and submit for PRO.
Why? Lots of benefits to PRO status within RWA. They have extra programs for PRO and PAN (those pubbed with RWA publishers), and I thought I'd like to take advantage. Plus there's that nifty little pin too. Remind anyone else of a sorority?
So. I consulted with a writing friend who actually makes her living doing writing related stuff. Books, editing, whatever comes her way and fits her skills. I admire the commitment to her craft and talent more than she'll ever know.
I tell her I have this book languishing and I'd like some advice. Would she finish it, especially if she knew it had fatal flaws? The answer was no. Why? Because it's not a story. It's not fun. It's a product. If it's not saleable (and we already know that from the R), then we create a new product.
Was anything salvageable? My core idea, and that's about it. Some pretty writing here and there may make it into the new book, but I don't know at this point. All I know is, I've written more on it since making the decision to throw out the flawed product and begin again than I had during all the months since I set the goal of getting my pin.
I don't need the pin. I need to get published. That's what I live for. That's the recognition that counts.