Grace Tyler


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About Me
I am a romance writer. That's not easy to say. Most people have preconceived notions about romances, and the people who write them. Let me tell you! Writing isn't for sissies. I got my first rejection in April 2004. That makes me a professional. In what other field are you considered a "professional" when you don't get called back for a second interview?

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Upcoming Releases

His and Hers Dalmatians
Moonlit Romance April 2008

My Favorite Blogs and Websites

Bronwyn Parry, Author & Golden Heart Winner!
Crystal Jordan, Author
Kate Rothwell, Author
Laura Hamby, Author
Tori Scott, Author
Nell Dixon, Author
Denise Patrick, Author
Valerie Parv, Australia's Queen of Romance
Joanna Sandsmark, Dog and Kitty Author!!!
Elisa Adams, Author
Sharon Cullen, Author
Meg Allison, Author
Michelle Styles, Author
Julie Cohen, Author
Becca, Writer and People Watcher
Sally Lawton, Playwright & Author
Ainsley MacQueen, Author
Jennie Adams, Author
Cindy K Green, Author
Bronwyn Storm, Doggy Author!!!

Works in Progress

Winter Miracles

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4,063 / 10,000

The Husband Checklist

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3,442 / 60,000


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6,209 / 60,000

Professor Kennedy's Ghost

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Everyday Hero

The Baby Contract

Almost On My Own

The Stone City

Daddy's Little Girls

Skin Deep

The Dog Next Door

Previous Posts

Day 2: Cindy K Green on Chicklit and Mr Right
Back to the Cave
Guest blogger: Cindy K. Green -- MEETING MR RIGHT...
Book Review: The Long and the Short of It **4/5**
Book Review : Coffee Time Romance
A frustrating puzzlement
Horrible dream
The Coma, Part Infinity
I have awesome friends


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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

News and Life

Why does life have to get in the way so much of the time?

I live in Utah, and our housing market has been far more stable than the rest of the country's. But in the past few weeks, it's been in free fall here as well, probably in response to the elections and the surge in gas prices. Factor in the ARM adjustments and so many homeowners who can't afford their payments, and the recipe for disaster has been written.

We've had our home for sale for a few months, as we are housesitting for my parents while they are working out of state for a couple of years. To find out its value has plunged $40K in 6-8 weeks? Well, we took it off the market. We are now planning a bit of a facelift and to rent it for about 2 years while we are still here in the parents' house. If the market picks back up, we can sell it and look for something else. If it doesn't, we can move back in when my parents come back.

Because of this and the problems I have had with my health, I decided to pull Checklist from By Grace's release schedule. My publisher was ever so kind and understanding, and I believe I've made the right choice. I'm excited to get back to rewrites on it, which are well underway.

Posted at 10:00 AM by Grace Tyler :: 0 comments