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About Me
I am a romance writer. That's not easy to say. Most people have preconceived notions about romances, and the people who write them. Let me tell you! Writing isn't for sissies. I got my first rejection in April 2004. That makes me a professional. In what other field are you considered a "professional" when you don't get called back for a second interview?
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Upcoming Releases
His and Hers Dalmatians
Moonlit Romance April 2008
My Favorite Blogs and Websites
Bronwyn Parry, Author & Golden Heart Winner!
Crystal Jordan, Author
Kate Rothwell, Author
Laura Hamby, Author
Tori Scott, Author
Nell Dixon, Author
Denise Patrick, Author
Valerie Parv, Australia's Queen of Romance
Joanna Sandsmark, Dog and Kitty Author!!!
Elisa Adams, Author
Sharon Cullen, Author
Meg Allison, Author
Michelle Styles, Author
Julie Cohen, Author
Becca, Writer and People Watcher
Sally Lawton, Playwright & Author
Ainsley MacQueen, Author
Jennie Adams, Author
Cindy K Green, Author
Bronwyn Storm, Doggy Author!!!
Works in Progress
Winter Miracles
The Husband Checklist
Professor Kennedy's Ghost
Everyday Hero
The Baby Contract
Almost On My Own
The Stone City
Daddy's Little Girls
Skin Deep
The Dog Next Door
Previous Posts
New job, new attitude, new WIP
Finished at last!
Out of print, but not out of circulation!
Grace Tyler: Why I love animals
What I've Learned
Precious little angel
Kissed any frogs lately?
A great read!
Big news! My paperback is now available directly ...
What a flattering review!
April 2006
November 2006
December 2006
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It may be a little early to celebrate. I still have my exam to ACE (not pass).
But I finished all my coursework, so give me a minute to luxuriate in this feeling of success!
One is long--10 minutes--but the rest are short! It's going to be finished today, before close of business, so that I can request my final for Tuesday next week.
Go, go, go, gogogogogogogogo!
Still On Track
123 files left to transcribe. 12 days *including today and it's already 5:20 pm* left to finish them.
Still on track to finish by the end of the month. Somehow, amid all the family visits.
Don't you hate
Don't you hate that blinking cursor?
At the beginning of each chapter, I face the same demon. It's not quite, but almost the same pressure as coming up with that first sentence and paragraph and chapter of the entire book. Am I going in the right direction? Is this what should come next? Have I set things up, picked up loose ends?
All encompassed in that Blink, Blink, Blink and the blank page before me.
A lot of hooky playing lately
Friday evening, DH and I went to see Harry Potter. That was enough hooky, you'd think, for a girl who's supposed to be finishing school. But no. Yesterday after I finished my errands, I played MORE hooky. No writing or homework. Just a bunch of deliberate not working. It was delicious.
Today I didn't feel very well and I keep falling asleep with the rosy cherub *my 20 mo old daughter* who has taken the longest nap in a long time today.
Now I am going to write for a bit. Maybe I'll put on those headphones later. Maybe I won't. I just have willful days, and what's a girl to do?
Homework, homework, give me a break
As adults, we begin to realize that if anyone is to give us a break, WE have to do it ourselves.
I have about 3 weeks left to finish my homework, and then 2 wees to get a good grade on my final. And I am playing hooky today, in the name of creativity.
Pray my babysitting 11 yo doesn't find out she's watching the toddler so I can WRITE.