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About Me
I am a romance writer. That's not easy to say. Most people have preconceived notions about romances, and the people who write them. Let me tell you! Writing isn't for sissies. I got my first rejection in April 2004. That makes me a professional. In what other field are you considered a "professional" when you don't get called back for a second interview?
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Upcoming Releases
His and Hers Dalmatians
Moonlit Romance April 2008
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Bronwyn Parry, Author & Golden Heart Winner!
Crystal Jordan, Author
Kate Rothwell, Author
Laura Hamby, Author
Tori Scott, Author
Nell Dixon, Author
Denise Patrick, Author
Valerie Parv, Australia's Queen of Romance
Joanna Sandsmark, Dog and Kitty Author!!!
Elisa Adams, Author
Sharon Cullen, Author
Meg Allison, Author
Michelle Styles, Author
Julie Cohen, Author
Becca, Writer and People Watcher
Sally Lawton, Playwright & Author
Ainsley MacQueen, Author
Jennie Adams, Author
Cindy K Green, Author
Bronwyn Storm, Doggy Author!!!
Works in Progress
Winter Miracles
The Husband Checklist
Professor Kennedy's Ghost
Everyday Hero
The Baby Contract
Almost On My Own
The Stone City
Daddy's Little Girls
Skin Deep
The Dog Next Door
Previous Posts
Precious little angel
Kissed any frogs lately?
A great read!
Big news! My paperback is now available directly ...
What a flattering review!
News and Life
Day 2: Cindy K Green on Chicklit and Mr Right
Back to the Cave
Guest blogger: Cindy K. Green -- MEETING MR RIGHT...
Book Review: The Long and the Short of It **4/5**
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What I've Learned
After going through three major family events in the past month, I took a step back to consider what I've learned. My sister's baby was premature. He's doing great now but we had some scary times. My grandmother died after a long time being trapped in an immobile prison--her body. She had Parkinson's and I don't know what all, but couldn't move or talk for so long. And then my little nephew had to come and go in the blink of an eye, due to a constellation of birth defects that would prevent him from surviving.
So what came of all this? Of course losing loved ones makes you appreciate your family and friends more and prompts that feeling of reconnecting. But that doesn't necessarily last, and it's more of a reaction than a lesson. No, the lessons here for me are humbling and deeper than a knee-jerk reaction.
I'm a very spiritual person and very family-oriented. Or at least I thought I was. I discovered that while the family is the center of my life, I've gotten very accustomed to living in my own head in the midst of the family--not really connected. Lesson #1, Be present in the moment.
This is a hard one to keep up on a consistent basis, but I've resolved to make the effort. What are my kids' memories going to be of their mom? A lady who loves her computer. Because that's "who" I spend most of my time with. Not anymore. Writing and working and keeping in touch with my cyberfriends are important, but my kids need ME.
Lesson #2, Time equals attachment. Who am I most attached to in the world right now? My 2 almost 3yo. Why? Because I spend the most time with her, especially one on one time. I have three children and a husband and a lot of extended family. I know that the circumstances were exceptional during the last month so I'm beating myself up for this, but during the last family visits I was in my room or on the couch while others were spending time together. I did have a rotten headache for that week, so I'll let myself off the hook. But I'm resolving to change this as well.
Lesson #3, Service equals attachment. We had my brother's children spend the night a couple of days after the little one's funeral. Taking care of them that night and comforting their crying 2yo in the middle of the night gave me a new connection with them, and that is so precious.
I felt like an ungrateful wretch for a bit, but I'm not one to beat myself up at this point in my life. I'd rather take the lesson and live better.Labels: author, balance, death, family life, grief, still birth, writing